Discipleship, Community & Growth
These are the three main goals of Community Group.
2 Timothy 2:2 and Titus 2:4-5 call men to invest in men and women to invest in women as a natural part of life. As Jesus describes in Matthew 28:18-20, discipleship is a natural part of following Christ together. Community Groups are discipleship groups that gathers together in community, to get to know each other, to enjoy one another, and to serve & encourage one another. Community Groups are a key part of our church body life. We meet every other week in someone’s home. Feel free to join us any time!
Join one of the Community Groups across the Treasure Valley!
Pick either the West CG or the East CG, both meet every other Thursday at 7:00 pm in different homes in our valley.
The goal of Community Groups is intentional life on life discipleship relationships and these gatherings are vital to the health of our church body, we look forward to seeing you every other Thursday as we pursue Christ together.
We gather to pursue Christ together. Our lifestyles, speech, attitudes, marriage, parenting, and priorities are held up to the Word of God, as we seek to put our lives under His Word in obedience to our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is intentional, life on life investment to move toward Christlikeness in order to bring God the glory He deserves through us. We’re talking about something that is messy, hard, difficult, uncomfortable and TRANSFORMING.