What does it mean to be ‘One Heart, One Mind’?
We believe church “membership” is a biblical concept, that the New Testament presupposes and expects Christians to belong to, serve within and submit to a local church (Hebrews 13:17, Acts 2:47, 1 Timothy 5:9, Romans 12:4-6). By becoming a member, you are saying, “I am one heart and one mind with the doctrine and direction of Faith Bible Church Treasure Valley.”
How do I become ‘One Heart, One Mind’?
Listen to the messages on ‘One Heart, One Mind’ membership
Complete the short Membership Application (link below) and have it signed by an elder
Meet with an elder and have your membership reviewed and approved by the eldership
Who can be a ‘One Heart, One Mind’ member of FBC Treasure Valley?
Regularly attending FBC Treasure Valley
Have been baptized (if you haven’t been baptized, please speak to an elder)
Serving in some capacity at FBC Treasure Valley
What are my responsibilities as a ‘One Heart, One Mind’ member?
Faithfully and regularly attending the Sunday Worship services of FBC Treasure Valley
Serving at FBC Treasure Valley in some regular and faithful ministry, seeking to use my spiritual gift(s) for the glory of God as a servant of Christ
Showing and sharing the gospel as a representative of Christ and His church to the glory of God
Generously giving to FBC Treasure Valley, doing so with forethought and in proportion to what God has generously provided, and giving it with joy to the work of Christ through this local body for His glory
Sacrificially caring for the downtrodden & oppressed, representing the heart of Christ and as a witness to a watching world
Work diligently to preserve the unity of FBC Treasure Valley and its public testimony through prayer, a godly lifestyle and personal sacrifice, being committed to not teach or advocate doctrine different than what FBC Treasure Valley believes
Lovingly follow the direction of FBC Treasure Valley and follow its leadership as they follow God’s Word